Trusted by 400,000+ teams worldwide

Everything you need for making your customers successful

There's an app for that. Browse dozens of free templates from our template library and adjust them to your needs.

Customer Feedback

Customer Onboarding

NPS Tracker

Issue Tracker

Community Forum

Create unique customer onboarding experiences

Create custom onboarding steps for your customers to ensure a consistent and seamless onboarding experience for every customer.

customer onboarding template
customer feedback template

Centralize and analyze all your customer feedback

Centralize your customer research and feedback. Use real-time reports and dashboards to gain a better understanding of the data.

Efficiently manage and resolve customer tickets

Create a powerful ticketing and issue-tracking system, organize incoming customer requests, assign tickets and resolve them quickly.

issue tracker template
community forum template

Engage with customers

Create a community forum for loyal customers to connect, share ideas and requests, and discuss experiences with your product or service.

Provide self-serve learning tools and resources

Create a knowledge base for educational resources, FAQ, help documentation, or troubleshooting guide so customers can self-serve.

team wiki template
product kpis dashboard template

Stay on track with real-time reporting

Create custom interactive dashboards for your team and stakeholders to track goals, project outcomes, product health, and keep everyone in sync on progress and impact.

Customer service portals

Improve customer satisfaction with user-friendly service portals that let customers manage their profiles, personalize their experience and access a knowledge hub.

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Maximize your team’s productivity

All-in-one operating system for Customer Support teams.

Client Portal | Internal Tools | Web App Builder | Free Website Builder Made with Softr