How to integrate OpenAI's GPT with Airtable

Rochester Oliveira • Apr 14, 2023 • 10 min read

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Frequently asked questions about Investor Portal

Yes. You can modify this script to run through all records of a table, or run it on specific records. You can use the “find and replace” Artiable script example of a starting point of how to run a script through multiple records. The key component of the API connection is the fetch function. As long as you keep the connection, you can use it in different calls to generate answers.

Yes, you can modify the URL endpoint and the API variables to connect with different APIs, including completely different models. For example, you can connect with the image generation model using a very similar method than this one.

You don’t need to create a new base to run this script. It’s recommended to create a new table though, to make sure that the names work.

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