Business Listing Template

Resource Directory

Use Softr's Business Listing template to build curated business listings and directories.

business listing template snapshot

Features and functionality

Bring your curated business listings and directories to life with this template in a matter of minutes.

View product details

Each item is linked to a page with details.

Search and filtering

Search and filtering functionality to find products in seconds.

User submission

Ability for visitors to submit products for review.

Dark theme

A modern dark theme.

Build your Business Listing today

Proceed with the template and have your listing ready in minutes.


As soon as you click the Use the template button, you'll be immediately taken to Softr studio and can start working on the template. If you don't have a Softr account, you'll be prompted to register first (a Free account will work just fine).

All the Softr templates are completely free of charge and can be used with any of the Softr subscription plans. However, Free and Starter plans have a limitation on the number of application users, so you might need to consider a higher subscription plan if you need to have full Memberships access.

Not really. The free Airtable subscription plan provides 1200 records per base, so if that's sufficient for your project, the free plan will work just fine.

No, unfortunately that's not possible. You'd need to create a new application using the template.

You need to copy the base with mock data to your Airtable account which is linked to your Softr application. The process is described here.

Our awesome features

Building a No-Code Tools Guide with Softr

I have been using Softr for a few months now, and the list of new features & improvements is PHENOMENAL. A no-brainer pick for now and a really good bet for the future!

Nic Touron Founder, ToolMeUp


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