How to integrate OpenAI GPT with Google Sheets

Rochester Oliveira • Apr 11, 2023 • 13 min read

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Effortlessly integrate AI in your internal tools

Build client portals and internal tools with AI without coding

Frequently asked questions about Investor Portal

ChatGPT Plus is a paid service for higher priority and better answers for the service. This does not include API usage, which is billed separately.

The tokens and cost calculation columns can give you a rough idea of how many API credits you are using. But you can always check this on your OpenAI account for a detailed breakdown.

Yes, you can run any model you want in Google Sheets, as long as you use the correct API endpoint and variables.

If you don’t hit enter, the prompt isn’t saved correctly in your Google Sheets. This can cause a wrong prompt message to be used since the last known prompt is the previous one. Make sure you hit enter before you click “run.”

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