Beyond just a Database - Features and functionality

Go beyond Airtable's functionalities and turn your databases into a robust web application. Build a modern-looking knowledge base website in a matter of minutes.

User registration

The knowledge base resources are gated and accessible to registered users only.

Submit new items

Users can registers and submit their own suggestion for a review.

Search and filtering

The resource directories in each section have search and filtering options.

Multimedia content

You can have videos, images, external links, and so on based on the nature of the content that you want to provide.

Responsive design

Fully responsive design, allowing all the users to view the knowledge base from any device.

Template Gallery


Softr Resources is a multipurpose knowledge base template, which consists of various directory pages dedicated to community resources, video tutorials, and more. By default, the content is gated and only available to registered users, who can easily register through the signup form. Each section has its unique layout: list of videos that can be watched right on the site, directory of projects with links to project websites, and so on.

The template can be used for various scenarios on top of your spreadsheets. For example, you can use it to organize information on a given topic and make it publicly available (the registration steps can be easily removed if needed), or it can serve as an internal knowledge base for a company, where resources such as vacation policy, onboarding guidelines, educational materials, etc. are stored (in this case you can remove the signup/signin forms and invite selected users).

Further on, apart from viewing the available resources, users can submit their own entries, which can either be published immediately or undergo a review and approval process depending on your use case and workflows.

How it works

To start with the template, you need a Softr and Airtable/Google Sheets accounts (Softr and Airtable have free plans to start with). All the data is stored in template’s database and is displayed using Softr’s various List block layouts. Therefore, after importing mock data, you can start modifying it right away, replacing it with your own data in the database.

The template has multiple sections, and each section’s data is stored as a separate table or sheet in your data source. You can add new tables/sheets in the template database as your project grows and you incorporate new areas of knowledge. The template doesn’t have it out of the box, but you can easily add editing functionality, so that your users can update existing entries. With Softr, you have access to granular view and edit permissions, and you can decide what each user group can see inside the knowledge base (e.g. each department can only access docs specific to them) and what it can modify (e.g. managers can modify all the docs within their department, while employees can update the resources that are related to them specifically).

Build your Knowledge Base with Airtable

Proceed with the template and have your knowledge base ready in minutes.


A knowledge base is an online library of information on a given topic or area (a product, an area of interest, a company department). The data in the knowledge base can be generated from various sources, but it is typically added and maintained by contributors who are experts in the area (e.g. HR department employees can add company-related learning and policy resources).

If we’re speaking about a company knowledge base, there are two main types: - Internal (is intended for company employees and can include information about benefits, company strategy, employee development resources, and so on). - External (stores information that can help company clients and customers solve their problems and can include FAQs, guides, tutorials, etc.).

As soon as you click the Use the template button, you'll be immediately taken to Softr studio and can start working on the template. If you don't have a Softr account, you'll be prompted to register first (a Free account will work just fine).

All the Softr templates are completely free of charge and can be used with any of the Softr subscription plans. However, Free and Starter plans have a limitation on the number of application users, so you might need to consider a higher subscription plan if you need to have full Memberships access.

Our users decide to use Softr on top of Airtable bases for several reasons. The most common are: - You will have a responsible and professional-looking user interface to share with clients, colleagues, and users on your domain (included for free!) - You will be able to manage different people's permissions at a granular level. Say goodbye to just "viewers" and "editors". You can decide which group of users can see and/or edit specific content. - You can merge several data sources all in one application. Do you want to connect three tables to the same app? Do you want to get data from other sources too? Not a problem with a Softr application!

Our awesome features

Building a No-Code Tools Guide with Softr

I have been using Softr for a few months now, and the list of new features & improvements is PHENOMENAL. A no-brainer pick for now and a really good bet for the future!

Nic Touron Founder, ToolMeUp


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